Thursday, December 8, 2011

December at the RAC

Make sure you come out to the Robertson Activity Center and join in on our Christmas festivities.

 We have the caroling choir that meets on monday mornings. This is open to  anyone who likes to sing. it doesn't matter if you have a great voice or not just come out and sing some great christmas songs with us. We will be singing at Victorian Estates on Thursday Dec. 8th at 9am, Windsor Hills on Tuesday Dec. 13th at 10:30am and Nina Willingham on Wednesday Dec. 14th at 9:30am.

We will be holding our first Community Christmas Movie on Dec. 20th at 7:00pm. The feature presentation will be the holiday classic "White Christmas". Popcorn and snacks with be provided along with some chrismas goodies. You can also have your picture taken with Santa Claus starting at 6:15pm.

We also will  have are annual Dirty Santa gift exchange. This will be held on Tuesday Dec. 20th during the usual morning activities around 10am. Please bring a gift to participate! Gifts must be new or homemade  and in the $5:oo range. Do to time constraints gifts can only be stolen twice!

Trips scheduled this month are the mystery lunch on Dec. 8th at 11am cost is $2.oo, the Govenor's Mansion on Dec. 21st at 1pm cost is $3:00, and the Gold River Casino on Dec. 27th at 9:30am cost is $6:oo. These trips fill up fast so     make sure you sign up as soon as possible.

Remember the RAC has daily activities from 8am to 4pm. Check the calender for times. We will be closed on Dec. 23rd and Dec. 24th for the Christmas Holiday.