Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's "Happinin" at the RAC in January

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Don't tell me you have already cheated on your New Years Resolution! I have, ouch!

Their are many new and exciting things starting in January at the RAC.
First I want to make sure everyone knows that we have a new shuffleboard table in the game room. All seniors are welcome to play just ask one of the employees to get the pucks for you (they may even be willing to play if you need and extra person).
Plans are also in the works to begin 2 new Tai Chi classes which will concentrate on Balance. These classes will be in the mornings, exact dates and times will be announced soon, look for them to start the end of Jan or the beginning of Feb.
We are also having a Talent Extravaganza! This event will be held on Friday Jan. 20th at 5pm. There is a fee to see the show $2.00 for ticket bought in advance $3.00 if they are bought the day of the show. All performer are admitted free of charge!!! If you have a talent big or small now is you chance to show it off. Sign up with Casey or Shawn, now.

January is the month for trips! Starting with the Mystery Lunch on Jan. 10th at 11am. There is a $3.00 fee for the bus plus bring $ to buy lunch. On Jan. 12th we have the OKC winter Quilt Show. The bus leaves at 1pm and there is a $10 fee for bus and admission. The Eater Outers will be meeting at Jim's Restaurant on Jan. 17th at 5pm. The Home and Garden Show is on Jan. 20th. The bus will leave at 9:30am and there is a $14.00 fee for bus and admission. Are casino trip this month is to Lucky Star on Jan. 25th. Cost is $4.00 for bus, bring your own funds to gamble with. Finally we have a trip to the Hawkins Theater for Lunch and a Movie. The bus leaves at 11:15am on Dec. 31, there is a $3.00 fee for the bus bring $ to pay for lunch and a movie.

As you can see Jan. is filled with activities.  Don't forget that we still have are daily activities and lunch weekday. check the calender at the RAC for menu and times.

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