Senior Chatter
Older Americans Month
Older Americans Month is celebrated each May to honor and recognize older Americans for the contributions they make to our families, communities and society. The Administration on Aging (AoA) issues a theme for Older Americans Month each year to assist our National Aging Network and other groups plan for activities during this month. This year's theme “Never Too Old to Play” encourages older Americans to stay engaged, active and involved in their own lives and in their communities.
As large numbers of baby-boomers reach retirement age, many communities have increased their efforts to provide meaningful opportunities for older adults—many of whom remain physically and socially active through their 80s and beyond. Current trends show
that people over age 60 account for an ever-growing percentage of participants in community service positions, faith-based organizations, online social networking, as well as arts and recreational groups.
There has also been an increase in the number of workers over age 55 in the workforce. This is due to several factors. Number one being the hit employees took to their 401(k) retirement accounts during the recession. The aging of the Baby Boomers, increased life expectancy, the need to maintain health insurance, and a desire to stay active and earn extra income are other factors driving the increase.
Last May Barack Obama stated in his Older Americans Day Proclamation that “My administration is committed to improving the health and well being of older men and women. The historic Affordable Care Act gives Seniors more freedom and control over their health care, and people on Medicare are able to receive an annual wellness visit and many critical preventive services for free, including certain cancer screenings such as mammograms and colonoscopies.”
Having lived through many of our Nation's most challenging times, older Americans have shaped the story of America and secured the promise of our future. We are privileged to recognize these treasured citizens during Older Americans Month, and honor both the impact they have made and their accomplishments yet to come. We here at the RAC want to acknowledge our patrons and thank them for their contribution to our Nation.
National Senior Health and Fitness Day
One of the events that takes place during Older Americans Month is the National Senior Health and Fitness Day. This is held the last Wednesday of May each year. This year it is May 30th.
The RAC will be hosting this event here in Yukon. In order to help promote healthy living and health activities, we will be providing health screenings, a wellness Fair, door prizes, and opportunities for seniors from our community to interact with each other.
Be at the Robertson activity center at 10:00 am to enjoy physical activities such as Line Dancing, Laughter Yoga, Weightlifting, and Tai Chi. We also have competitions planned. These include Ladder Golf, Bean Bag Toss, and Wii Bowling. There is so much fun to be had you just can’t miss it! Did I say, don’t forget the Door Prizes!
Who’s Who at the RAC
Twila and Scott Teter:
(Brother and Sister In-law)
Scott and Twila have known each other since they were kids. Their families owned businesses in the same building. So, they used to play in the ally behind the stores while they waited to go home. They enjoyed growing up in Stillwater and were privileged to meet Frank Eaton the inspiration for Pistol Pete the mascot of the Oklahoma A&M Aggies.
Twila eventually married Franks brother and they moved to the Oklahoma City area in 1968. She has two sons that live here in Yukon and she worked for Demco for 28yrs.
Scott was in the US Army for 23yrs . He has been stationed in Iceland, Germany, Japan, Alaska, 2 tours to Vietnam, and Korea. After leaving the US Army, Scott started working as the superintendent of Maintenance at the Air National Guard. He retired after 25 yrs. Scott has three daughters. They live in OKC and Midwest City.
Scott and Twila enjoy playing cards here at the RAC, and doing the Arm Chair Exercises from which they have seen benefits health wise.
Please make them feel welcome. They are always looking for people to play cards with.
Health Beat
By Angela Kasbohm
The Great Grain Group

Fiber is very important in our diet and the grain group is a great source of fiber. It’s important to include a mix of soluble and insoluble fiber in the diet. We find soluble fiber in beans and legumes, oatmeal, oat bran and ready-to-eat oat type cereals. Insoluble fiber is found in wheat products and whole grains. The Nutrition Facts Label will tell you how much of each type of fiber is in a serving of the food item. It will be located just under Total Carbohydrates. We need 25-35 grams of fiber per day. Most people only get about 13 grams per day. If you plan to increase your daily fiber intake you should do it slowly over a 2-3 week period and be sure to drink plenty of water. Increasing fiber intake slowly helps to decrease the occurrence of cramping and bloating.
This food group provides many good things for our bodies and if consumed in moderation will not cause excess weight gain. Be adventurous and try a grain that you haven’t tried before-millet, quinoa, barley!